It's been made clear that Urban Terror bots are un-supported. Official advice is to not use bots unless you know what you're doing.
Server use of bots
Some server owners like to use bots as a way of enticing players onto an empty server so there is interest in using bots.
A lot of advice for running bots applies mostly to server operators. General rules if you want to run bots.
- Only include 1 or possibly 2 3rd party maps in your maps folder
- Remove all unused .pk3 files from your q3ut4 folder - only include maps that you will use
- Kick all bots after each map and replace them at the start of the next map
- Use the 64-bit binary if possible (64-bit ubuntu is probably the best platform for a bot server)
- If your server isn't capable of running TDM or CTF with 4 bots on casa - don't bother
- Only certain maps support bots
- Add bots one at a time
- Include a large delay between bots entering the server
Bots in Urban Terror are not all that happy. Not all weapons are configured to be used by bots and only ffa, tdm and ctf are understood gametypes
Bots will not use ladders.
Bots will be attracted to dropped weapons over other goals, insist on carrying the flag randomly and sometimes team kill.
Adding bots
Bots are added to the server using the addbot command. In order to enable bots you will first need to set the server var bot_enable=1.
Your server will need to be restarted after issuing this command, to do this exec server.cfg
The addbot command supports the following options
- bot type
- bot level (1-5)
- team (red or blue)
- delay in microseconds before adding this bot
- ingame name
For example : addbot boa 4 red 1000 REDBOA
Will add a bot with the playername of REDBOA which is a level 4 to the red team after waiting 1000 microseconds (1 second).
The sequence of commands you should issue to add a bot to your server using the /rcon commands.
/rcon bot_enable 1 /rcon exec reload /rcon addbot boa 3 red 1000 Redboa
Will add a bot tot the red team called Redboa.
Using a bot script
If possible it's generally preferable to create a small text file on your server which will help automate adding bots.
Create a file called addbots.cfg in your servers q3ut4 folder
bot_enable 1 kick allbots addbot boa 3 red 1000 RedBoa addbot boa 4 red 2000 HappyBoa addbot mantis 3 red 3000 RedMantis
You will be able to execute this script from rcon using
/rcon exec addbots.cfg
Automatically adding bots when your server starts
Having created the server script above and copying this to your server q3ut4 folder add the following to the end of your server.cfg
exec addbots.cfg
Bot types
- boa
- cheetah
- chicken
- cobra
- cockroach
- cougar
- goose
- mantis
- penguin
- puma
- python
- raven
- scarab
- scorpion
- tiger
- widow
Bot load out
Name: Boa Primary: ZM LR300 ML Secondary: H&K MP5K Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: HE Grenades Item 1: Kevlar Vest
Name: Cheetah Primary: Kalashnikov AK103 Secondary: Franchi SPAS-12 Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: HE Grenades Item 1: Kevlar Vest
Name: Chicken Primary: H&K G36 Secondary: H&K MP5K Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: HE Grenades Item 1: Kevlar Vest
Name: Cobra Primary: ZM LR300 ML Secondary: H&K MP5K Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: Smoke Grenades Item 1: Kevlar Vest
Name: Cockroach Primary: H&K UMP45 Secondary: - Sidearm: Beretta 92G Grenades: Flash Grenades Item 1: Kevlar Vest
Name: Cougar Primary: H&K G36 Secondary: - Sidearm: Beretta 92G Grenades: Flash Grenades Item 1: Silencer Item 2: Kevlar Vest
Name: Goose Primary: H&K 69 Secondary: H&K UMP45 Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: - Item 1: Extra Ammo Item 2: Kevlar Vest
Name: Mantis Primary: ZM LR300 ML Secondary: - Sidearm: Beretta 92G Grenades: - Item 1: Laser Sight Item 2: Silencer Item 3: Kevlar Vest
Name: Penguin Primary: ZM LR300 ML Secondary: - Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: - Item 1: Laser Sight Item 2: Silencer Item 3: Kevlar Vest
Name: Puma Primary: ZM LR300 ML Secondary: - Sidearm: Beretta 92G Grenades: - Item 1: Laser Sight Item 2: Silencer Item 3: Kevlar Vest
Name: Python Primary: H&K G36 Secondary: Franchi SPAS-12 Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: HE Grenades Item 1: Kevlar Vest
Name: Raven Primary: H&K PSG-1 Secondary: H&K MP5K Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: - Item 1: Kevlar Vest Item 2: Silencer
Name: Scarab Primary: H&K G36 Secondary: H&K MP5K Sidearm: .50 Desert Eagle Grenades: - Item 1: Kevlar Vest Item 2: Silencer
Name: Scorpion Primary: Remington SR8 Secondary: H&K MP5K Sidearm: Beretta 92G Grenades: HE Grenades Item 1: Kevlar Vest
Name: Tiger Primary: Kalashnikov AK103 Secondary: - Sidearm: Beretta 92G Grenades: HE Grenades Item 1: Medkit Item 2: Kevlar Vest
Name: Widow Primary: ZM LR300 ML Secondary: H&K MP5K Sidearm: Beretta 92G Grenades: - Item 1: Kevlar Vest Item 2: Laser Sight
Making maps with bots
Attracting bots
Using the info_item_botroam entity you can attract bots to certain points. Depending on the given weight, the attraction differs.
Improving bot performance
Put botclips around every complex structure. Even stairs count as complex, putting a ramp above increases bot performance a lot.
Put common/donotenter in areas where bots should not go in - they will avoid these brushes, but can enter them, unlike botclip.
Using areaportals may improve performance also.