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Revision as of 14:12, 19 August 2011 by John (talk | contribs) (Terragen)
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Besides Radiant a mapper requires a great many other tools, image editors, sound editors and so on.

Image tools




Terragen classic is a windows or mac only application. The good news is that the app works perfectly well under wine so Linux users can use it also. The classic version is a free download though a little limited in it's rendering dimensions, it's fully functional and worth a try.

Download from [Terragen Official Site]

Sound editors


Video editors

Misc tools



Povray is a command line ray tracer capable of producing amazing output with a few simple text files. PovRay can be used for the following

  • Make scenery, there is a city scape macro
  • Make foliage
  • Make skyboxes

For more information about making skyboxes with PovRay see the topic Making sky box images with PovRay