Mapping:What is a shader

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A Shader is a collection of properties that controls how a surface is treated by the compilers, and how the surface is rendered by the Quake 3 engine. Every Surface has a default set of Shader properties, unless an external shader script is specified.

Combinations of a number of pre-defined properties control the way the compiler treats the surface.

See the Shader Manual for more information.

"SurfaceParm" is the shader keyword for universal shader properties.

SurfaceParms are either Brush "Content" Properties or Brush "Surface" Properties.

A Content Property applies to the contents of an entire Brush if the first face of the brush (face 0) has that property.

Because of this, identical Content Properties should be applied to all faces of a brush to avoid unpredictable results.

A Surface Property applies only to the surface with that property.

For more information about shaders, see the topic Textures:Shaders