On Windows
At first, install Urban Terror to a new directory (C:/UrbanTerrorMapping, for example) and unzip the zpak000_assets in your "q3ut4"-folder with a zip-programm (7-Zip or WinZip for example), if you have Urban Terror 4.1.1, unzip the zpak001_assets, too. Now, you have in your "q3ut4"-folder new folders, like "maps", "textures"... Now, to clean up, we open the "maps"-folder and delte ALL files in it. At this place we download the newest version here: [Media:http://www.icculus.org/netradiant/files/], it is "netradiant-1.5.0-20101211-win32-7z.exe". Start the self-extracting archive and extract it to a place you want (C:\Program Files (x86), for example). There is now a new folder, called "netradiant-1.5.0-20101211" Now, download the UrT-Mapping Package here: [1] (the newest version is 1.2) and extract it to the new folder (netradiant-1.5.0-20101211). If it wants to overwrite something, choose "yes". Now if you start the radiant, there is a "Pop-Up"-Window, choose there as game Urban Terror and if it need, choose your path to your UrbanTerror-Folder (it is C:/UrbanTerrorMapping if you made it like the first step), which we created before. Now you download the shaderlist here [2], unzip it and put the shaderlist.txt into your "scripts"-folder, which is placed in your "q3ut4"-folder. In this file, you have to write the name of every new shader which you created. Now all is done and you can start with mapping.
On Linux
There are no tutorials right here, but on this site it is explained [3]
On MacOS
There are no tutorials right here, but on this site it is explained [4]
External Links
-Developer Homepage: [5]
-Source from NetRadiant: [6]