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CMC is a commandline tool for semi-automatic clipping of models for Q3map2 map files. The approach carried by CMC is to automaticaly insert clip brushes into a map file following a "clip model" (ie, a standalone map file) provided by the user. CMC consists of a python script and is licenced under beerware revision 42. Beware, the licence will be strongly enforced.

Error.png Don't blame the tool if you forgot to backup your map...



CMC requires a working Python environment, and the argparse library (shipped with Python starting from version 2.7).


Download CMC from Custom Map Makers. And copy it to a conveniant location

Commandline argument

Getting help

   python --help

display a help message:

 usage: [-h] (-ls | -c model:pattern | -u clip/shader) [-o ofilename] [-d] [-v] ifile

Q3map2 map model clipper

positional arguments:
ifile                 q3map2 map file

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-ls, --list-shaders   list all shaders
-c model:pattern, --clip model:pattern
                       clip models with clip pattern file
-u clip/shader, --unclip clip/shader
           delete brushes using "clip/shader"
-o ofilename, --output ofilename
           output file
-d, --debug
-v, --version

I map therefore I am

Clipping a model

   python --clip model/mymodel/mymodel.md3:maps/ \
     --output maps/ maps/

This is the path to the map to process.

   --output maps/

This instruct CMC to output the new map into the file "maps/" (highly recommended). Without this option, CMC will overwrite the input file

   --clip model/mymodel/mymodel.md3:maps/

This instruct CMC to clip every instance of model "model/mymodel/mymodel.md3" (This is not the path to the md3 file, but the model name as it appears in the entity window in GtkRadiant), according to the clip model from file maps/

Clipping multiple models at once

   python --clip model/mymodel/mymodel.md3:maps/ \
    --clip model/mymodel/anothermodel.ase:maps/
    --output maps/ maps/

CMC accepts any number of model/clip_pattern pair using multiple "--clip" options