Bots:Adding bots to your map

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In order to add bots to your map you will need a tool called bspc. In some versions of Radiant this tool is included with the installation. If not you'll need to download a version suitable for your operating system.

Please note: You should ALWAYS add the surface sounds before creating a .aas file.

The bspc tool is invoked from the command line, generally from the same folder as the .bsp of your map. A minimal bot build would use the following command line.

bspc -bsp2aas YOURMAPNAME.bsp -forcesidesvisible -optimize

There are other options / switches avaiable which might or might not help performance.

  • reach <filter.bsp> = compute reachability & clusters
  • cluster <filter.aas> = compute clusters
  • aasopt <filter.aas> = optimize aas file
  • aasinfo <filter.aas> = show AAS file info
  • output <output path> = set output path
  • threads <X> = set number of threads to X
  • cfg <filename> = use this cfg file
  • optimize = enable optimization
  • noverbose = disable verbose output
  • breadthfirst = breadth first bsp building
  • nobrushmerge = don't merge brushes
  • noliquids = don't write liquids to map
  • freetree = free the bsp tree
  • nocsg = disables brush chopping
  • forcesidesvisible = force all sides to be visible
  • grapplereach = calculate grapple reachabilities

Of these, grapplereach is probably the only other switch worth trying for Urban Terror bots.

After running bspc you should find a .aas file with the same name as your map in same folder as your .bsp. This file will need to be copied to the maps folder of your pk3