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Latest revision as of 15:32, 13 September 2011

Adding A Youtube Link

To add a youtube link to your post-

Find the video you wish to post and copy the very last part of the url. If the full url is  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmYi5u9BhtI you would copy everything after the = which in this case leaves you with nmYi5u9BhtI, this is the videos ID. Now in your post using the full editor, use the youtube button on the taskbar which gives you [youtbe][/youtube]. Paste the copied ID of the video between the middle brackets and submit your post.

How To Join A User Group

Go to the user control panel and click on the usergroups tab. To join a group, select the group using the tickbox on the right, scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure the dropbox says join selected and click on the submit button.

To use a specific group as your default group (your name will appear in the corresponding colour on the forum). Again, go to the usergroups page of your user control panel. This time use the tick box on the left to select the group, scroll down and click on the "Change Default Group" button on the left.